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Articles in English

On our planet, where several billion people already live, so many amazing things, incidents and discoveries happen today that even modern high-tech methods of information exchange do not allow you to keep track of everything that is happening in the world. But this is not an obstacle for us.
In the "Miscellaneous" section of the site "We'll tell you" we will tell you about everything that is not included in other sections.
That is why, probably, this is the most diverse section on our website. And it really is. It is useless to talk about what you can find here, because it is simply impossible to cover all this in words.
Medicine and medical advice, the lives of actors and TV personalities, the salaries of celebrities, pensions of employees of our country, memories of school and childhood, love and enmity, delicious food and its amazing recipes, useful life hacks, good advice and wise help of Orthodox priests.
If you have not found the necessary information in our other sections, then you will definitely find it here.
We are waiting for your feedback about our materials and articles, which we will definitely try to answer.
Please note: not all materials in this section are intended for reading by persons under the age of 18.
Under the articles of the sections "We'll tell you" you can express your own opinion by leaving comments. They should not contain insults and words that are not used and prohibited in society. You can add photos of various formats, drawings and GIFs to your comments.
Yes, I almost forgot. If you write articles well and are confident with a pen, then you can send your stories to our address. And not only for the "Miscellaneous" section. It is always with great pleasure that we publish interesting texts on "We'll tell you". And optionally specify the author.
For the most informative, intriguing and informative articles-stories, we can offer you a high payment. The texts of the author's articles should be unique and interesting for the general public. Photos are very desirable.
We do not accept all kinds of copyrights and copy-paste, converted from other sites and sources.
Contact us if you have any questions. We sheep quickly and to the point.
The growth of President Vladimir Putin is of interest to many. Let's find out all about his growth. So, the growth of the main person of Russia in our studio!
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